Thats why I made this blog I can at least look back at how "unproductive" I was [or am..?].
Currently reading: Rebel Angels by Libba Bray
I've been "currently reading" this book like 3 times already. I really need to finish this dam book.

My Book Goal: I plan [or at least will try] on reading 50 books this year just for the heck of it. So, if my calculations are correct, thats like a book per week plus an extra two books.
Some may think I'm such a nerd for doing this and maybe they're right, but at least I can't say I don't have anything to do at any point through the course of this year right? haha. Just trying to be more productive is all. =]
Books I read so far:
1.]Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer [Jan. 6]-- Highly recommend this book! Its the third book of the Twilight series. If you're girl, you HAVE to read this series!
2.]Someone Like You by Sarah Dessen [Jan. 9]
I'm currently listening to: "Wish" by Arashi

I recommend people checking out that drama...and by that I mean only watch it if you are into "love triangle" stories. The genre I would put this drama is Romantic Comedy. So, if you're a fan of that sort, check it out.
*Note: Matsuda Shota who plays Nishikado Soujiro in the drama = cute! haha.

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