ah! school tomorrow. dam.
well, time to study study study! ¬.¬

[semi-old] movies I saw over the weekend.

Vacancy: ["NO! HEADSHOT HEADSHOT!!!"--LOL] saw this one with the cousins. not really scary when you watch with people especially family.
Superbad: eh. it was ok. alot of cussing ¬.¬

Tristan and Isolde: "Tale of a forbidden love between two lovers" --So sad! x[
Fell in love with this story. Way better than Romeo and Juliet!

well, time to study study study! ¬.¬

[semi-old] movies I saw over the weekend.

Vacancy: ["NO! HEADSHOT HEADSHOT!!!"--LOL] saw this one with the cousins. not really scary when you watch with people especially family.
Superbad: eh. it was ok. alot of cussing ¬.¬

Tristan and Isolde: "Tale of a forbidden love between two lovers" --So sad! x[
Fell in love with this story. Way better than Romeo and Juliet!

1 comment:
zomg! you watched Super Bad! O_O LOL
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